
CATS: Muffin terningsett i Karamell og hvit

Opprinnelig pris var: 215 kr.Nåværende pris er: 107,50 kr.

Kos med katten for flere crits!

CATS: Muffin terningsett er en fantastisk samling terninger, og ikke bare fordi den er dedikert til våre pelskledde herske… ehm… venner!

Først og fremst er hver terning i settet unik – på hver ternings høyeste side kan man se en katt som gjør som den vil. På noen av de andre sidene kan vi se favorittingene deres; en matskål eller et garnnøste. I tillegg, hvis du ser nøye etter, kan du se små spor av kattepoter — fordi hvem kan vel nekte dem å spankulere over de nymalte flatene?

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Produktnummer: QW-DS-SCAT72 Kategorier: ,


CATS Dice Set: Muffin

Cats are amazing creatures. Many people think that they are just fluffy pets that often give in to their whims… even though they were once considered sacred animals, able to see the invisible. Today they are domesticated, either treated like adorable furries with no significance or like dignified rulers graciously allowing us to feed and caress them. Of course, some people know cats mainly from funny videos on the Internet — and we think each of us knows what’s on them… The truth, at least sometimes!

Cats are not greedy. Truth be told, they are very picky. They do fiercely defend what belongs to them, however – and they rightfully claim whatever they want at the moment. Muffin, for instance, is a ginger-and-white male cat with an insatiable appetite, and he takes a particular liking to tender meats and cakes. Hence, his posture is quite bulky, if not plump. He may not be able to jump too high, he may not be the epitome of grace, but his purrs are heard even one floor below! He totally deserves a set of beautiful dice dedicated to his unforgettable constitution and vocal abilities!

Many people at Q WORKSHOP love cats. Sure, we are aware of their little quirks and humor, but most of all, we consider themselves born under a lucky star as we can bask in the splendor of the epicness of these furry balls of charm. It was only a matter of time before the Cat Dice Set was created! Now we are giving this little cat tribute to you to be used as you wish! Of course, you have to remember that cats are essentially independent and unpredictable creatures – and these dice will probably behave the same way…


A well-fed cat = chance for crits!

The more, the merrier — The set includes 7 items: a D4, a D6, a D8, a D10, a D12, a D20 and a D00.

A ginger-white cat — The background of the dice is caramel, with white paintings.

Cat Business — The highest faces show the silhouettes of cats in various poses, different for each dice.

Favorite toys — Apart from clear digits, there are also a ball of yarn and a bowl of food on the dice faces.

The furry license — the Cats Dice Set was created under the license granted to us by a cat’s imprint of an ink-soaked paw on a relevant legal document.


Bring treats for crits!

Q WORKSHOP presents the never-before-seen CATS Dice Set: Muffin. This totally new design shows playful cats and their everyday activities! Each of the 7 dice has different felines posing on the highest face. The caramel material brings about their love for late snacks, while the white engravings are like sweet milk they’re so excited to drink or spill. Treat them well!


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